My 10 cent

Thomas Schindler
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2017


(1) Humanity is facing massive global challenges. In order to move towards action, we have codified them into the SDGs. While this serves as a great framework when thinking about how to address our challenges, it still feels overwhelming for the majority of the people.
(2) At the same time we are experiencing massive growth in technological potential and opportunity driven by Moores law and multiplied by a range of technologies like ai, vr, crispr, blockchain, etc which all inherit the exponential shape of the acceleration of compute.
(3) Both are massive mindfucks in their own right and many people simply have no idea how to deal with them or how to think about them. They feel that things are changing at an unprecedented scale and speed and they are right.
(4) We need to entirely rethink how we organise society on a global scale in order to address the challenges and leverage the opportunities we have. This is an extremly complex task on many levels and can only be solved by informed and eductated discourse based on tolerance and respect.
(5) In order to have this global dialog we need to educate all people on the state of things, purely based on facts, leaving aside opinion, fear, belief and letting proven and stable facts speak for themselves.
(6) And we need to enable the people to then act on what they find and mutually agree on. — This is the core of a real democracy and if a system of governance cannot provide these two aspects A) discourse and B) action based on the agreed results of the discourse.
(7) This is what lies at the foundation of the Brexit, Trump, AfD phenomena. This is what we need to solve.
(8) For the next four years in Germany this means that potentially our chancellor is forced into a position of action and out of a position of symbolic and reactive politics. SPD is going into opposition which forces Merkel out of her comfort zone and protects us from idiotic discussions coming from AfD. This gives me hope that we finally use the treasure trove of extremely valuable and surprisingly progressive ideas, tactics and strategies Merkel is hiding from the world. Also, we are seeing signs that AfD is going to implode due to internal politics, just like the pirates did.
(9) Apart from this we will have to overcome some serious internal barriers in Germany — a) lack of courage b) a failing educational system and c) an extremely slow moving administrative system. — But this is part of points 1) — 7) as well ;-}
(10) We are building on things we already have created and tested in order to make a good planet for all a reality. We are going to start a series of conversations around this very soon. If you want to be part of them, send me a message.

